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Coming up

Burning out? This one is for you. An eight-week online journey with Clinical Psychologist Valerie Ling and likeminded individuals to help you live burnout-free. Yes – living, working and serving without feeling drained is entirely possible, if you practise some solid strategies.

Last coaching round for the year. Registrations open now.

Past Events

8 March 2022 - Interview on 'The Pastor's Heart'

Valerie Ling and Sarah Hindle speak with Dominic Steele, host of ‘The Pastor’s Heart’, about burn out, effective leadership in ministry, coping issues and how these manifest in the leadership space.

Stress Management & Resilience Group seminar for colleges and seminaries

Sydney Missionary Bible College, 1 Feb 2022

Stress Management & Resilience Group seminar for colleges and seminaries

 Moore Theological College, 7 Feb 2022