Leadership Solutions
Recent studies tell us that while 57% of employees are thinking about resigning from their jobs, 69% of executives are as well. The majority of executives want to improve their own personal wellbeing over advancing their careers right now.
A workplace wellbeing strategy that looks at the executive and leadership wellbeing is essential in ensuring stability and continuity of your core contributors to your top line vision. Here are the ways we can support your leadership and executive team.
Leadership Retreat
Leadership retreats provide space for executives to reflect on their wellbeing needs and work through solutions for them. We do this by strengthening areas that are already working and introducing research based strategies to burnout proof your leaders. This dual benefit of this – your leadership gains confidence in their abilities to manage themselves, and then to lead others through stressful times.
Executive Coaching
Psychology appointments are hard to come by at the moment with extraordinary waiting times. Further, your leadership team do not have the time to make these appointments for themselves. Our psychologists can provide discreet, confidential sessions to your team. Bringing our organisational experience with our clinical wisdom, your leadership team benefits from having dedicated coaching resources that will help them find their feet.