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Resource Me

Centre for Effective Serving: Valerie Ling


Valerie Ling

Course Price

Resource Me

Course Price


video Duration

240 minutes


6 Modules

Resource Me is a guided and specific way of targeting burnout that increases your energy and expands your capacity.

It's a six-week resource to help you live burnout-free. Yes - living, working and serving without feeling drained is entirely possible, if you practise some solid strategies. One course participant who's continued to practise what they learned says, "I am feeling like myself again. Resource Me has completely changed the way I approach work." So don't wait until it takes much longer than you need to recover from burnout. Get resourced now!


Course Inclusions

What you get in the 6 modules with 240 minutes of instructional videos:

  • Small bite sized chunks of content to work through
  • Figure out your self-care patterns and leaks, build your personal arsenal
  • Get very clear on why you do what you do so you can keep returning to this picture
  • Map out your Personal Resources: The key areas to tank up if you want to stay vital
  • Work Resources: Learn and apply key productivity and work resources that Valerie herself uses
  • Personal insights on how you work best
  • Let go of the guilt of feeling like you are running on empty by discovering how you can do more with less
  • Get back at least one day in the week for you!